In B2B marketing broad reach and mental availability are key to growth.
But why does growth matter?
Growth offers businesses a path to higher profitability
It also has benefits in itself: it gives your company momentum, it gets you noticed, it helps to attract customers, talent and capital. Essentially it makes running your business easier.
How can brands achieve growth?
There is a growing body of evidence that brand growth in B2B comes from reaching a lot of light buyers, driving brand fame, and being easy to buy
Research from B2B Institute shows that 95% of buyers are out of the market at any given time, meaning businesses need to balance acquisition strategies with brand building messages (e.g. focus on building future demand) Campaigns that feature a ‘promise to the customer’ deliver competitive advantage over those that don’t
Why is this important?
Both large business C-Suite audiences and SME Owner audiences are heavily engaged with radio, outdoor and online media, making MediaWorks well placed to help our B2B clients connect with their potential customers
MediaWorks also offers a number of bespoke solutions to prove the effectiveness of client’s advertising with us including Opinionation, Veritone Attribution and Factori* Attribution
Source: WARC Best Practice “What We Know About B2B Marketing” January 2024